Hi everyone!
Welcome back to another part of my Before & After series! First of all I'd like to apologize for not posting it on Sunday. I just didn't have time to do it since it was Mother's Day and I spent the day with my mom and the rest of the family. I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!
But let's jump on into the build!
Front of the House Before |
Front of the House After |
I tried to keep the exterior of the house as similar as possible to the original house. I really like the Mexican/Spanish feel of the outside and it didn't want to change too much about it. I just changed the walls to a smooth creamy color that's just a bit lighter than the original. I also changed up some of the window and made all the windows a darker brown color. The roof I wanted to keep some form of red, so I just changed it to a different tile. I also added some landscaping around the house, because I seriously can't build a house that doesn't have some landscaping around it.
The Living Room Before |
The Living Room After (View 1) |
The Living Room After (View 2) |
The inside of the house I changed A LOT! I made it a lot lighter, with everything from the floorboards to the wallpaper and furniture. When I furnished the house I did it with this idea in mind: "The Caliente sister and Don moved into this house that Katrina, Dina and Nina's grandmother left them. Since they are all still young and love to entertain and socialize with everyone, they decided that this house could use a serious update" I tried to make it as modern as possible while still trying to make it look like it belongs in this house. I chose a very nice light color scheme of green and white with black accents. Since Katrina is in the Entertainer career, I put in a new grand piano and also added some musical styled pictures on the walls.
The Kitchen Before |
The Kitchen After |
Like all the other rooms in this house, the kitchen also really needed a more modern look to fit with the house's new inhabitants. I changed the walls and also the floor to something a bit more "new" looking. The cupboards I made a nice white color to lighten up the room a bit. I tried to incorporate some green into this room as well.
The Dining Room Before |
The Dining Room After |
The dining room was really dark originally, so I made the walls a nice green color. I tried to keep the dark wood that was in the room, so the walls I chose have a wide dark wood border. The furniture I kept modern, but also in dark wood. I added a glass table to make it seem more modern, since the chairs look modern but are a dark wood.
Don's Room Before |
Don's Room After |
I really liked the blue curtains in Don's room but the furniture just seemed outdated and not like something he'd have. So, I decided that the theme for his room should be blue and I replaced all his furniture with more modern things. Since the room is the smallest one in the house, I didn't have the space to put in a double bed, but I still really like his room.
Katrina's Room Before |
Katrina's Room After |
Since I didn't know which room was for which sister, I just decided which room they should have. The first, and biggest bedroom I gave to Katrina since she is the oldest of the three. Since she's the oldest her room has more of a tradisional feel to it, with dark woods, reds and creams.
Dina's Room Before |
Dina's Room After |
Dina is the second oldest sister and she's in the culinary career. I really like the idea of giving her a yellow bedroom, just because she seems like the friendliest and happiest of the three. I changer her wallpaper to a light, creamy yellow with white trim. Her furniture is a mix of modern and tradisional light wood features. I added lots of pictures on the walls that have to do with food, and added in a bunch of cookbooks scattered across the room.
Nina's Room Before |
Nina's Room After |
Nina, the youngest sister, seemed kinda like the black sheep of the family. Her original room was very dark and gloomy. I changed her wallpaper to a pink with some dark wood borders. Her furniture is very modern compared to her sister's rooms. The color scheme I decided on for her room was black and a dark purple. The pictures on the walls are all of famous DJ's, just because that's something I thought she'd really be interested in.
The Backyard Before |
The Backyard After |
In the backyard I added in a pool (because come on, they live in Oasis Springs and it seems like it could get very hot there), a fire pit, grill, bar and a hot tub for when they have guests over.
So that's the house! I also redid all the bathrooms and the downstairs and upstairs hallways. I really hope you liked it. If you want to add this house into your game it's on the gallery under Caliente House Remodel.
I also wanted to ask that if anyone has any ideas about which house or community lot I should renovate next, and also what you'd like to see different about it, please just leave me a comment on here or on my Google+ account! I really appreciate any input or ideas! The next week's schedule will be down below again, the topic for the Before & After series will be decided on by you guys!
Happy Simming!
This week's schedule:
Wednesday: Build showcase on South Square Café
Sunday: Before & After Series
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